Monday, October 27, 2008

Lunch with Kim

Well i forgot to mention the lunch i had with Kim, Ella, Ty, Miss R, Mom and Dad..... It was really nice to meet Miss R. and to see Ella and Ty.

I also forgot to say that i had to keep Kim company while Ella was out to a movie. She didn't get home until 10:30.... Kim was up worried sick about her... =)

well that is for you Kimmer...... i would of put it in the 1st post but since you all left without saying bye to me or waiting for me to finish when i was talking to my friend i didn't think you were showing me the LOVE....

1 comment:

kim said...

...had to get ella to her second showing of HSM3, so we had to scoot! Who was that guy anyway?

Thanks for the post! :)